Privacy Policy

Information and images available on this website are the property of KVC Health Systems, Inc. (“KVC”) and its subsidiaries and may not be copied or reproduced and used by any visitor for any business or commercial purpose without a prior written authorization from KVC. KVC does not provide any information on this website to visitors for their use as business, healthcare, legal, personal, or any other type of advice. A visitor providing information to a KVC employee through an e-mail address or phone number listed on this website should provide or submit only the minimum information necessary for the purpose of the contact.

KanHIT Participation Notice


We participate in the electronic sharing of health information with other health care providers and health plans in the State of Kansas through an approved health information organization (HIO). Unless you direct otherwise, your electronic health records will be accessible through the HIO to properly authorized users for purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations only.

If you want to restrict access to your records through the HIO, you must submit a request for restriction through KanHIT. Visit for more information.

Even if you restrict access, your information still will be available through the HIO by a properly authorized individual as necessary in the event of an emergency when consent cannot be obtained or to report specific information to a government agency as required by law (for example, reporting of certain communicable diseases or suspected incidents of abuse).

For your protection, each request for restrictions is subject to verification procedures. Please allow sufficient time for your request to be processed. Your failure to provide all information required for verification may result in additional delay or denial of your request.